Announcement for Shortlisted Candidates
In line with our vacancy re-announcement dated 21st October 2023, Dungsam Polymers Limited (DPL) is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of Dy.Manager/Manager (Finance) as detailed below:
SI No. | Name | CID No. | Remark |
1 | Mon Bdr Biswa | 11810001660 | Shortlisted |
2 | Langa Tshering | 10905003008 | Shortlisted |
3 | Chogyel Norbu | 11101002261 | Shortlisted |
4 | Wangchuk Lhamo | 11101003072 | Shortlisted |
All the shortlisted candidates are requested to report for the selection interview at the DPL corporate office, Nganglam on 10th November, 2023, at 9:30 AM. There will be a Written Test in the morning, followed by, Viva Interview during second half, on the same day.
Note: The Shortlisted Candidates must produce all the documents in original during the time of interview.
Human Resource & Administration Section
Dungsam Polymers Limited.